The Moon Bakeshop

If you find yourself travelling through North Alabama, stop by the downtown square of Huntsville. Follow the people headed down the sidewalk to the Moon Bakeshop ( and see what the hype is all about.  When my mom and I stopped by this past week, I had heard only good things about this place.  I have been following their social media pages for awhile and knew I'd have to stop by when I came to the area.  Huntsville's downtown has had bakeries come and go, but none have brought that traditional bakery feel that you'll find at Moon Bakeshop.  The seating area outside the shop was full, which I find to always be a good sign.  Upon entering, you'll catch a whiff of fresh baked goods wafting from the oven.  The staff immediately greeted us and offered to take our order.  I saw something taken out of the oven and placed on the counter.  I knew just based on what it looked like, that would be my choice.  The woman at the counter said that was their "cruffin", which is croissant dough rolled in sugar and filled with almond pastry cream.  However, this was not their traditional pastry cream, this was PUMPKIN pastry cream! My mom and I both ordered one and eagerly anticipated their arrival.  When the staff brought out our pastries, we immediately broke them in half and dug in.  The cinnamon sugar outside of the croissant and the creamy pumpkin cream filling were a match made in heaven! Imagine the flavors of fall combined with butter, sugar, and dough.  If pumpkin isn't your thing, there was an entire display case filled with delicious treats.  Coffee and tea lovers will find Muletown Coffee ( from Columbia, Tennessee and local Piper and Leaf Tea ( on the menu.  They even had a Pride and Prejudice drink menu that I plan to return to try out! This was the perfect end to our day and we'll definitely be back.  I cannot sing Moon Bakeshop's praises enough.