The Wall

Published on 13 February 2022 at 22:26

My husband and I took an overnight trip to Henderson, Tennessee to attend the Freed Hardeman Lectureship.  It was our first time visiting this little town together.  We met up with one of my husband's childhood friends and he suggested we all try a new restaurant in town called the Wall (  The décor was perfect for a college town and for lovers of music.  Of course, Pink Floyd fans will get a kick out of the name and logo but for those of us who prefer other genres of music, they had it covered too.  We sat in a booth beside a wall filled with photos of the king himself, Mr. Presley.  There were fun light fixtures hanging from the ceiling, murals painted on the walls, and funky music coming through the speakers.  The dining room was filled with a mix of families, couples, and students meeting up in-between classes.  

Now we get to the menu.  Each item had a fun name attached to it such as "sharp dressed man", "monster mash", etc. and everything sounded good.  Not to mention the prices were outstanding and the staff were very friendly. I decided on a Mosh Pit grilled cheese called "Melt With You."  The description on the menu read: a deluxe grilled cheese on tomato basil bread with your choice of gouda, cheddar, American cheese, or hot with ghost pepper and pepper jack cheese.  Served with sidewinder fries or onion rings.  They had me at "tomato basil bread."  I chose the American cheese and sidewinder fries.  If you're a lover of tomato soup and grilled cheese, look no further.  This sandwich completely eliminates the need for soup and sandwich combos.  It was everything a bowl of tomato soup and a grilled cheese consists of all in one bite. Between the taste of the tomato basil bread and the gooey cheese, what more could you possibly need on a cold, February night? 


If you're ever Henderson, Tennessee, stop by this place and see for yourself.